About Us

About Us!

what we are

Ce qui nous rassemble chez Défense: Wildlife Conservation Projects c'est avant tout la passion animale et du vivant dans son ensemble. Nous aimons partager nos expériences, les faire connaître et participer à la protection des espèces les plus vulnérables.  Beaucoup, enfants, ont rêvé d'être vétérinaire, policier, pompier, enseignant... c'est ce que certains d'entre nous sommes devenus professionnellement. Nous avons entrepris de joindre nos compétences, chacun à son niveau, afin d'apporter notre aide à ces espèces fascinantes et de continuer à les observer dans leurs milieux naturels et ainsi les léguer aux prochaines générations.

Sébastien Goutenègre. Président et fondateur.

Interview in English of the President of the association by an American media at the sea turtle protection center of Le Méridien Bora Bora.

Pedagogical assignments.

Education and public awareness being one of our priorities, we offer educational activities and workshops with schools, as well as one-off events such as the day of the golden lion tamarin organized with the National Museum of Natural History. We are among some active members of the teachers' association, who teach their classes about biology and raise awareness about the poaching of endangered species, as well as the loss of their habitats.

Who are we ?

We love our job and it shows. The animal passion being in our DNA and strong of an experience of more than 25 years in the animal sector andin situ, we know this environment from the inside. We are ready to meet any challenge and we are 100% involved in all the projects we undertake. We are all from different backgrounds and backgrounds. What brings us together: the involvement in wildlife and conservation. Our priority objective remains the well-being and safeguarding of endangered species in their natural environments, with respect for communities and local populations.

Strategies and plans

Each animal species is unique. That's why we customize each of our plans to suit their specific needs. Minor strategy or global effort… Whatever the objective, we listen to the requests of our partners in the field and prepare a species-specific plan. Our partners and networks are the basis of the success of conservation because it is above all a collective work. We are members of several networks such as the Groupe Tortue Marine France (GTMF) managed by the heritage service of the National Museum of Natural History, a member of the Callitrichidae group of the European Association of Zoos and Aquariums (EAZA), we collaborate with the National Plan of Actions in favor of the Egyptian vulture, member of the Group of specialists of flamingos for the IUCN, member of the ReefCheck network in Polynesia.

Award-winning expertise

We have won the trust of many partners and institutions, however we do not rest on our laurels. We are fully invested in each project.

A team of experts

Conservation projects remain in expert hands. Animal caretakers, veterinarians, teachers... You will collaborate with experienced professionals.
We will see to it.

Engagement guarantee

Each in his area of expertise, we get involved to carry out our mission. We want to be transparent and are also here to answer all your questions.

Partner Institutions



6 pays


10 members

Years of expertise


Discover our team!

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