Ce qui nous rassemble chez Défense: Wildlife Conservation Projects c'est avant tout la passion animale et du vivant dans son ensemble. Nous aimons partager nos expériences, les faire connaître et participer à la protection des espèces les plus vulnérables. Beaucoup, enfants, ont rêvé d'être vétérinaire, policier, pompier, enseignant... c'est ce que certains d'entre nous sommes devenus professionnellement. Nous avons entrepris de joindre nos compétences, chacun à son niveau, afin d'apporter notre aide à ces espèces fascinantes et de continuer à les observer dans leurs milieux naturels et ainsi les léguer aux prochaines générations.
Sébastien Goutenègre. Président et fondateur.
Interview in English of the President of the association by an American media at the sea turtle protection center of Le Méridien Bora Bora.
It is the French reference on the protection and conservation of sea turtles. Renowned herpetologist, expert member for the IUCN and referent for the Ministry of Ecology, he has conducted studies on the leatherback turtle in Guyana since the 1970s. He is coordinator of the marine turtle conservation program in South Africa. 'West and established a research station.
Founder and President of the association. Active since 2005 for the protection of sea turtles in Polynesia, he managed a care center in Bora Bora, raised and released nearly 500 turtles, collaborated with Diren and the US government. Since 2016, he has been an animal caretaker at the Museum and works in particular on birds and tamarins.
Co-founder and secretary of the association. He brings us his expertise in logistics and statistics. In particular, he oversees our legal actions. He participates in the implementation of educational workshops for schoolchildren. He is an active member of the Red Cross as a driver/rescuer and trainer.
The money, it's him!!! José is the treasurer of the association. He has expertise in accounting and trustee management for over 35 years. Balance sheets and other fund management have no more secrets for him! His seriousness and his professionalism are unwavering.
Pierre is the association's veterinarian. After veterinary studies in Lyon and a wildlife clinic under the tutelage of Dr Norin Chai, he joined the veterinary team of the Ménagerie du Jardin des Plantes. It helps to research and save many endangered species.
Audrey is a lecturer at the Museum. Specialized in the ethology of primates, she conducts research in Africa and is the author of several scientific publications. It coordinates teaching in primatology with the Sorbonne University alliance and the Museum. We collaborate on the study of lion tamarins and the proboscis monkey.
Bird expert with 25 years of breeding experience. She has been practicing conservation for 15 years with experience caring for and breeding over 450 species! In 2006, she joined the teams of the Museum where she raised 39 species. It participates in the breeding of Egyptian vultures and flamingos. She practices medical training.
Stéphanie is our raptor expert. She joined the Museum's teams for almost 15 years, working with primates and specializing in nocturnal and diurnal birds of prey. She is involved in falconry and today co-manages the "Le Jardin des hiboux" park. It contributes with free flight to public awareness of raptors.
Ornament engraver graduated from the Boulle school, having worked as a model maker in costume jewelry, engraver, designer and teacher of ornamental engraving at the Boulle school. Specialized in Boulle marquetry, Bilana designs all educational materials for schools. She notably created the association's logo.
Jean Charles is a professional photographer in the Basque country, which he magnifies with his sumptuous images. It is our vulture and flamingo observer in the field and allows us to have information and annual monitoring of populations.
Hiroko is Japanese and has lived in Polynesia since 2009 where she is a scuba diving instructor. Like all instructors, she has a very good knowledge of the marine world with more than 10,000 dives to her credit. She participates for us in the protection of corals by coordinating the ReefCheck on Bora Bora and raises awareness among tourists.