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Study, protection and conservation of endangered wildlife.
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Today, most zoos play a major role in conservation. In Europe, the most endangered species are the subject of breeding plans called EEP, managed by EAZA (European Association of Zoo and Aquauriums). It is important to note that the animals are not traded, but are exchanged between parks in order to guarantee an optimal genetic heritage. For instance, golden lion tamarins could be saved from extinction through global breeding plans. 1/3 of the wild population comes from reintroduced animals . It's the same for the Spix's macaw, extinct in the wild. He is the subject of an ambitious breeding program in captivity for the purpose of reintroduction. The association contributes financially to these programs.
Medical training and animal welfare:
In captivity, different enhancements (sensory or cognitive) are offered to the animals to stimulate and occupy them. Medical training has developed enormously to avoid stress to animals during veterinary examinations. Find the different forms of enrichment offered by the teams of the National Museum of Natural History by clicking below.
Le vautour percnoptère fait l'objet d'un plan d'élevage européen (EEP). Un individu née et élevé à la Ménagerie du jardin des plantes fut relâché en Bulgarie pour migrer au Niger. Photo : E. Baril
Golden lion tamarins were partly saved thanks to an ambitious global breeding program. Conservatory breeding has enabled releases to be carried out in Brazil. Since the 1980s, nearly 150 animals have been released. 1/3 of the wild population comes from individuals raised in zoos. Photo: E.Baril
As part of our educational programs on endangered species, we have set up educational workshops for schoolchildren in collaboration with the teaching staff. Young and old alike can get involved in conservation by supporting us, in particular through the sponsorship of your favorite species!
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